Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Keep Your House Looking Immaculate

Cleaning Routine |

So obviously I am a list person. I have lists of future lists to make. But, one of my favorite lists is my cleaning list. I clean my house everyday because I love to have it looking like we have room service that comes and cleans. I also love for it to smell nice; I used to be a PartyLite consultant so I have a love of fragrances.

Cleaning Routine |

When I come home from work I have a list of things I do on a daily basis. I do one load of laundry, wipe down counter tops and do the dishes, pick up the house, take out the trash (if needed), and sweep and vacuum. I have a fur baby so I have to do the floors everyday. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to make her shed less. This takes thirty minutes tops,  but I get to go to bed and wake up with a clean home. I tend to feel really stressed when my house is a mess so this helps a lot.

Cleaning Routine |

Every Saturday, I clean a little bit deeper and this is my weekly cleaning. In addition to the daily cleaning tasks, once a week I clean the mirrors, mop the floors, scrub the toilet and shower, change our bedding, dust furniture, and wipe down the appliances. This kind of resets my week for me. I spend about an hour cleaning my home and then I have Sunday to relax with my husband.

Cleaning Routine |

My list isn't perfect and I'm constantly adding and taking things away. But taking these steps each day makes it easier on me to keep my house looking great. I don't believe in not cleaning something until it's dirty. We simply pick up after ourselves and spend the time to make sure it looks hotel worthy.

Cleaning Routine |

By saying "I" clean I mean we. I am so lucky and so blessed to have a husband that helps around the house. He also has a love for fragrances, so our warmers and candles are always keeping our house smelling wonderful.

When it comes to cleaning, my number one rule is but your feet up and relax when you're done. I always sit down with tea and a good book or catch up on Netflix.

Cleaning Routine |

Photo cred: The amazing Kate.

Kisses, Shavon

Want to stay connected and up to date with me? Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.


  1. LOVE lists. I'm a little bit better at making them than I am at implementing them, but I'm working on that part :) I definitely need to try your daily lists idea. Thanks for sharing!

    I have to tell you, because I'm always relieved when someone else tells me, I think it should be "immaculate".

    1. Thank you so much for telling me!! And the daily cleaning definitely helps because there's not as much to do come the weekend. Plus it's nice waking up to a clean home

  2. I need to get in a cleaning routine like yours! I tend to get lazy whenI get home!

    1. Do it before you sit down! I get too lazy once I put my feet up

  3. I am a list person too! I love all my lists!
    Cynthia @craftoflaughter

  4. I'm working on having a good schedule so everything stays done and I don't always feel overwhelmed.

    You are right about needing to relax after. I like to have a cup of tea and light a candle.

    1. If you stay on top of it the cleaning becomes a routine. Then you don't have a huge mess at the end of the week
